What are the challenges of Pre-Adulthood as a Woman? Navigating adulthood is a unique and multifaceted journey, particularly for women. It encompasses personal growth, career development, relationships, and societal expectations. While many women thrive and achieve their goals, the path is often accompanied by challenges rooted in gendered experiences. This essay explores the pros and cons of navigating adulthood as a woman, offering insights into the evolving roles, opportunities, and obstacles women face. Increased Opportunities and diverse role models Modern women have access to unprecedented opportunities for education and career advancement. Many countries are making strides in gender equality, enabling women to pursue diverse professional paths, attain financial independence, and make autonomous decisions. This autonomy allows women to shape their lives according to personal aspirations rather than societal constraints. Women today have access to a wide range of role models in various fields, from politics and science to arts and entrepreneurship. Seeing other women excel and challenge societal norms can inspire and motivate individuals to strive for success in their respective domains. Strengthened Support Networks and flexibility The rise of women-centric communities, mentorship programs, and social media platforms has facilitated connections among women across the globe. These networks provide spaces for sharing experiences, offering advice, and creating solidarity. They empower women to face challenges with resilience. Adulthood today allows for greater flexibility in lifestyle choices. Women can prioritize careers, delay marriage or childbearing, or choose alternative paths like entrepreneurship. The redefinition of traditional gender roles has opened doors for more diverse ways of living. Empowerment through Education and Awareness With growing access to education and information, women are becoming more aware of their rights and are better equipped to advocate for themselves. This knowledge fosters self-confidence and empowers them to address issues like workplace discrimination or gender-based violence. Societal Expectations and Gender Roles in the Workplace Despite progress, societal expectations remain a significant challenge. Women are often expected to balance professional ambitions with caregiving responsibilities, leading to a “double burden.” The pressure to conform to traditional roles can be emotionally draining and hinder personal growth. Women still face significant barriers in the workplace, including wage gaps, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and biases in hiring and promotion. Navigating these systemic inequalities requires immense perseverance and can stifle career progression. Safety Concerns, mental and Emotional Labour One of the starkest challenges women face is the issue of safety. Concerns about harassment, assault, and discrimination can limit women’s freedom and opportunities. Whether it is in public spaces, workplaces, or even online, safety remains a pressing issue. Women often bear the brunt of the “mental load,” managing household tasks, family dynamics, and social obligations. This invisible labor, combined with societal pressure to maintain emotional composure, can lead to burnout and stress. Unrealistic Beauty Standards Media and societal norms often perpetuate unattainable beauty ideals for women, contributing to body image issues and low self-esteem. The pressure to adhere to these standards can be a constant source of dissatisfaction and anxiety. Navigating adulthood as a woman is a journey of resilience and empowerment, shaped by the interplay of opportunities and challenges. While societal progress has opened new doors, significant barriers remain. By leveraging available resources, fostering solidarity, and advocating for systemic change, women can not only overcome obstacles but also inspire future generations to thrive. To stay updated subscribe to foramz.com
Last week we talked about how loneliness in youth can result in habits of smoking and vaping. To get into the root of the issue it is important to understand what leads to the youth’s attention drifting in the direction of such habits. You might have noticed how vaping and smoking have become common among the youth. Whether it’s at a house party, during a break at school, or even scrolling through social media, it’s everywhere. But have you ever wondered why are we turning to these habits? What is it that we are looking for in that puff of cigarette? It’s not always about looking cool or rebelling. For a lot of people, it’s about filling a void—loneliness, stress, or just trying to feel like we belong somewhere. Let us talk about the reasons one by one. The Weight of Loneliness Loneliness is a word that creeps at us. The feeling is not always obvious, but it’s there, creeping in late at night when we’re mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or TikTok. We see everyone else having fun, going to parties, traveling, and living their best lives. “But what about me?” A question that leaves us feeling lonely or in today’s language FOMO, we experience the fear of missing out. We feel left out like we don’t measure up or “fit in.” It’s a terrible feeling, right? And that’s when the idea of a quick escape—a vape pen or cigarette—starts to look tempting. For a moment, it feels like it takes the edge off, like it’s giving you a break from all the noise in your head but tragically, its adding on to that void. Trying to Fit In We’ve all been there—that moment when you’re hanging out with friends, and someone offers you a vape. You don’t really want to, but saying “no” feels impossible. You don’t want to seem lame or risk being left out. It’s tough because fitting in feels so important, the fear of being alone is so prominent that you take a puff. It’s not always about enjoying it; it’s about belonging, even if just for a moment. The Circle of Expectations Life can be stressful, even for youth. Between school, grades, extracurriculars, and trying to figure out what you want to do with your life, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. In reality, it is not but the age, the surroundings, and societal pressure make us feel that way, which is completely natural. Add in the pressure to have a happening social life, look good, and keep up with everyone else, and it’s enough to make anyone crack. But vaping or smoking might not be the lifeline you are looking for. Vaping or smoking might feel like a way to take a breather, to calm your nerves. But the truth is, that relief doesn’t last. It’s just a temporary band-aid for a much bigger wound. Family and Emotional Struggles In some cases, the problem starts at home. Maybe your parents are too busy to notice what you’re going through, or maybe they just don’t get it. You feel invisible, like no one really understands or cares. Picking up a vape or a cigarette might feel like a way to take control, to do something for yourself. Or maybe it’s a way to say, “Hey, I’m hurting.” But here’s the thing: you’re not invisible, and people do care, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. Things do change. The Hold of Marketing Have you ever noticed how vaping is made to look so cool? Flavors like mango, cotton candy, grapes, and mint—they’re not targeting adults; they’re targeting youth. The ads make it seem harmless, even fun and cool. But the reality is that these companies are selling them intentionally by promoting them as a “safer option” than cigarettes, which is totally a myth. Nicotine is one of the main ingredients in vape. It has harmful chemicals which can cause lung diseases and even cancer. The companies, just want your money. And once you’re hooked, it’s hard to stop. That’s how they win. Don’t let them. You’re Not Alone If you’re reading this and somewhere resonate with it don’t worry you are not alone. There are so many people out there who feel the same way you do. The world can be tough, and it’s okay to struggle. What’s important is that you don’t give up on yourself. You are worth more than a vape pen or cigarette. You’re stronger than you think, and you have an entire life to live full of possibilities. Do not let that temporary escape steal that from you. Stay strong, and remember you’ve got this. Here’s the truth: vaping and smoking won’t fix the loneliness, the stress, or the pressure. They might distract you from the pain for a little while, but in the long run, they’ll only make things harder. Addiction, health problems, guilt—none of that is worth it. So in the next week, we will see in detail how can we healthily cope with these emotions. Because you are not alone. Keep Reading Foramz for you daily dose of moral support.
In today’s tech-savvy world, where everyone and everything you need is just a click away, a surprising paradox has emerged. Despite all the means to talk to whoever you wish to, today’s youth lacks communication and are left deeply lonely and isolated. This sense of loneliness is exacerbated by societal pressures, academic stress, and limited face-to-face interactions. This is Foramz and today we will be discussing Loneliness and how the youth copes with it. Being alone turns out to be quite a common fear to people. Loneliness is a distressed emotion that anyone can feel. The person in question today is Youth. Bestowed with the blessing of technology and social media the youth is expected to be happier than ever, being more connected than ever, but the reality is quite shocking and contradictory to what should have happened. From a young age, society teaches them that their worth is tied to their achievements, appearances, or social status. They strive to meet the expectations of parents, teachers, and peers, yet often feel they are never enough. The fear of failure haunts them, and even when they succeed, the satisfaction is fleeting—quickly replaced by new challenges and doubts. Loneliness is a shadow that looms over the psychological state of youth. Despite constant digital interactions, many feel disconnected from those around them. They scroll endlessly through feeds filled with others’ highlights, comparing their behind-the-scenes struggles to the carefully filtered lives of their peers. This comparison feeds a growing sense of isolation, convincing them that they are the only ones struggling. The result is a deep emotional void that leaves them longing for authentic connection but unsure of how to seek it. There are several factors affecting the loneliness that today’s youth face. Some factors are making them more lonely and depressed one of them being the consumption of intoxicants like smoking, alcohol, vaping, and drugs. Today’s youth has the freedom to talk for hours on Instagram but have lost belief in real-life heart-to-heart conversions. Family disputes, issues with parents, inferiority complex, the feeling of being ‘not good enough’ The screen has become a mental prison and the youth its prisoners. Loneliness can have a significant impact and the mental and emotional well-being of an individual. There are many healthy ways to deal with loneliness and young individuals coping mechanisms. Coping mechanisms are a strategy to manage difficult or unpleasant emotions. Unfortunately, some resort to unhealthy habits like smoking and vaping as a way to deal with their feelings of not belonging anywhere. It is quite natural to feel that you don’t belong anywhere at a certain point in time in life. These habits often provide temporary relief or belonging, but looking at the broader view, these toxicants only make an individual more lonely. Vaping, in particular, has become increasingly popular among youth, marketed as a “safer” alternative to smoking. Its appeal lies in its accessibility, flavored options, and its perceived trendiness. However, both smoking and vaping pose serious health risks, including respiratory issues, addiction, and long-term damage to the lungs and heart. There are common myths related to vaping that they are safer and better than smoking cigarettes. Such myths are used as an explanation or excuse for continuing the habit. The real problem lies in the psychological distress which they are going through. It is essential to address the issue of loneliness instead of being trapped in the vicious cycle of vapes and cigarettes. Addressing this issue requires fostering genuine connections and providing support systems for people. Encouraging open conversations about mental health, promoting healthy coping mechanisms, and building inclusive communities can help combat loneliness and reduce the reliance on harmful habits like smoking and vaping. In the next week, we will be discussing in-depth how young minds resort to such toxicants and understand their psychological state. Keep Reading Foramz for your daily dose of moral support.